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What is included in my subscription?

By signing up to Technology Tenders, you are signing up to a month rolling contract with askabidwriter.com. This subscription grants you access to the askabidwriter.com platform and all its features including:

  • All of our public and private sector Technology bids from Technology Tenders.
  • A ‘Question and Answer’ feature allowing you to consult with our global bidding experts.
  • Access to learning resources including video and audio masterclasses, downloadable pdfs and editable templates, to upskill in all areas of bid management, compliance, writing and submissions.

When can I send a question to your experts?

You can send a question at any time, however, our experts are available from 9am GMT until 5pm EST Monday to Friday for live chats.

Any questions that are sent outside of these hours will be addressed the next working day.

How do I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your monthly rolling subscription at any time, all you need to do is head to the Ask a Question section on your dashboard and send us a message.

Your will retain access to the platform until your renewal date. If you wish to renew your subscription following this date simply log in and you will be directed to the payment area.

Who decides what bids are relevant to my company?

Using the filter functionality in the bidding resources search panel, you enter your chosen requirements. The system then automatically showcases the bids fitting these parameters.

How long is the contract for?

Any subscription taken up with askabidwriter.com is a monthly rolling contract. This means the subscription will continue until you contact our team to instruct a cancellation.

I already have a Business Development Manager, why do I need this system?

Your Business Development Manager will either have to sign up to hundreds of bidding opportunity sites and sift through them weekly to make sure tenders are not missed, or they will have to sign up to another tracking site which requires them to have extensive knowledge of CPV codes in order to get the best from the systems. These systems have hundreds of thousands of opportunities on from all industries, UK wide. Opportunities will be missed.

Technology Tenders will allow your Business Development Manager to free up time to work on proactive business development.

What is the payment method used?

askabidwriter.com takes payment by the card provided to us, in advance from the date you signed up to the system. If a payment is missed, access to the system is temporally blocked until a new payment method has been input.

Can I get a copy invoice for my records?

Yes, absolutely, you can find your invoices in the ‘Payments’ section of the portal.

What is the difference to Technology Tenders from every other system out there?

We are specifically for the Technology sector, meaning you don’t have to search through hundreds, if not thousands, of irrelevant opportunities to find suitable opportunities for your business, saving time and money.

One of our biggest selling points is the proactive opportunities we post, that you will not find on any other tender website in the country. If you have a Business Development Team who are new to selling, they will not need to understand CPV codes to use our system.

As well as this, you have bidding experts on hand, 24/7 to support you with any query you have regarding bidding and specific bids.

How many opportunities can I expect to see per week?

This depends on demand, but we will work hard to ensure you see new, proactive and reactive opportunities every week that are relevant to your business.

Can you write the bid for me?

We can write any bid for you we have a large team of bid writers with cross sector experience. It is not included in your subscription fee, but our account managers can quote that for you if you send us the documents. We charge £600+vat per day, however askabidwriter.com subscribers get an 18% discount on these fees.

Can you review the bid/ a bid question for me?

We can review any bid for you we have a large team of bid managers with cross sector experience. It is not included in your subscription fee, but our account managers can quote that for you if you send us the documents. We charge £600+vat per day, however askabidwriter.com subscribers get an 18% discount on these fees.

Can you breakdown this opportunity for me?

We can produce a bid plan for any bid, we have a large team of bid managers with cross sector experience. It is not included in your subscription fee. The fee to product a bid plan is £600+vat in the UK, however askabidwriter.comsubscribers get an 18% discount on these fees. If you didn’t want to pay these rates, we can show you how to complete a bid plan, and what is included in your subscription.

Can you find me some tenders that meet my specific criteria?

Yes, of course, we will use the Bid Opportunities section within askabidwriter.com to search for opportunities using your keywords and send you the relevant links.

Can you submit this bid for me?

Yes, we can at an agreed consulting price. Please contact us for more information as this is not included with your subscription. askabidwriter.com subscribers get a 20% discount on our submission services too.

Can you register us on this portal?

Unfortunately, not, however we can talk you through how to do that to ensure your portal subscription remains private.

Can you download bidding documents for me?

Yes, simply tell us which bid you want the documents for.

Can I ask a question for a friend?

Unfortunately, not. However, we would be happy to answer their questions if they wish to join. Your subscription only allows you to ask questions relating to your sector.

Can you help me digest this feedback from a bid I lost?

Yes, send us the feedback letter and we will schedule this in with one of our bid consultants who will provide a full overview via email.

Can you teach me how to bid?

Yes, of course, we will also make sure the advice we give you showcases where many fall foul in this area – increasing your chances of success.

Can you help me design my bid?

Yes, we can. Our Bid Designers charge £450 per day and can design approximately 15 pages per day. However, askabidwriter.com subscribers get a 10% discount on these rates. They can also help with infographics, resumes, case studies, organograms and process flows.